August 27, 2004

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From little things big things grow

It seems like only a year ago I started this blog. Mostly because it was.

To celebrate I was going to indulge in an orgy of hubris and narcissism. I could recount how I was introduced to blogs - the merry chuckling of a co-worker over a post at Conrad's. I justified it by thinking of it as a way to keep family and friends in touch with our adventures in the mysterious Orient. But when your first post was:

hi paul
it's best to look to the future instead. You can peruse some of my favourite posts. This site has given me a chance to endlessly sprout off about anything and everything, and amazingly people decide they want to read it. Over the past year the site has broadened its remit, so that now it covers the original family fare and reflections on life in Hong Kong, with a liberal dose of stories about one of the most fascinating places in the world: China and Asia. Sprinkle in a mix of other random bits and pieces and that's what we've got today. Will it be like this tomorrow? Who knows? The site goes wherever my whim takes me. You're welcome to stay for the ride.

But what I've got most out of this site over the past year is all the people I've met, both online and in person. I've a bulging email folder with emails from all sorts of people I would never have otherwise met. I've had the pleasure of breaking bread with some of my favourite bloggers, such as Pixy and Helen. These are relationships that I cherish and am grateful for: it has exapnded my world and made me better for it. I've learnt a hell of a lot from these people and from writing this site: that has made it all more than worthwhile. The one thing that scares me (besides makeovers by JC and PB) is that I stop exercising my mind. This site and the many others that I read have kept at least that part of my body fitter than ever.

This has already been a busy week. First BL's arrival seemed to drag in plenty of comments and links. Thanks for all the kind wishes. The site redesign seems popular too - a nice first birthday present from me to the site. If for some reason you've been lurking for a while but never got around to saying something, NOW is the time to start. Regular commenters and linkers are also welcomed. While modesty prevents me from singing my own praises, nothing can stop you from doing it. So get to it. In return all I can offer more of the same. Please don't let that put you off.

UPDATE: It appears I share the day with Allah. Obviously wasn't much on TV anywhere in the world last August 27th.

posted by Simon on 08.27.04 at 03:46 PM in the


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Crack out the champers
Excerpt: Tom mentioned it a few days it's my turn: Happy birthday to me... I have to say a massive thank you to Pixy for saving me from Blogspot and to all the Munu Community for just being, well, Munuvian....
Weblog: Munuviana
Tracked: August 27, 2004 06:08 PM


Reminds me my anniversary is tomorrow too!

posted by: shaky on 08.27.04 at 03:07 PM [permalink]

happy blogiversary there matey and many more to come :)

posted by: the letter b on 08.27.04 at 03:20 PM [permalink]

Love the new design!

posted by: Pixy Misa on 08.27.04 at 04:25 PM [permalink]

As always the young pups get older and usurp their elders... Congratulations on your first birthday.

posted by: Phil on 08.27.04 at 04:28 PM [permalink]

We love you Si-i-mon,
Oh yes we do!
We love you Si-i-mon,
And we'll be true!
I checked in on your site-
It's Blue!
Oh Si-i-mon we love you!

"Bye, Bye Birdie" always has a place in my heart, really.

Happy Blog Birthday to my annoying big blog brother. I couldn't be here without you.

posted by: Helen on 08.27.04 at 05:46 PM [permalink]

Fantastic design. Congrats on the birth, the anniversary, and the new look.

posted by: Ozguru on 08.27.04 at 08:11 PM [permalink]


Happy B`Day!

posted by: Madfish Willie on 08.27.04 at 11:31 PM [permalink]

Happy Blogday!

posted by: Jim on 08.28.04 at 12:00 AM [permalink]

Hoppy Day! Mate!

posted by: Kang A. Roo on 08.28.04 at 02:45 AM [permalink]

My very best congratulations on your one year anniversary!

posted by: RP on 08.28.04 at 07:52 PM [permalink]

Happy blogiversary!

posted by: Jennifer on 08.28.04 at 08:26 PM [permalink]

Happy Blogiversary + 4 months!

posted by: Felix on 01.02.05 at 09:33 AM [permalink]

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