February 15, 2006

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The real China news

Admist all the ongoing bashing of American companies that are being labelled traitors and collaborators with the Chinese government in internet censorship efforts, important developments are likely to be missed. For example the IHT reports on an extra-ordinary protest by senior ex-officials of the CCP and scholars against the closure of Beijing magazine Freezing Point. Amongst the protesters is Mao's former secretary and biographer, Liu Rui. Absolutely read the whole article.

Another must read piece is ESWN's translation of an article in Caijing, seen as a veiled warning from the central government to the provinces to avoid obstructing reforms through their collaboration with local businesses.

posted by Simon on 02.15.06 at 12:37 PM in the China category.


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Change In China
Excerpt: Only by “doing as one does in Rome” can one reasonably expect to make progress in implementing policy and cultural change there.
Weblog: The Global Perspective
Tracked: February 16, 2006 02:36 AM


For Chinese readers, see this for the full text of the declaration.

posted by: LfC on 02.15.06 at 05:44 PM [permalink]

Microsoft, Yahoo and Google scandals and ex-officials letter are related issues, Simon. Both speak of China's repression, both are "real China".



posted by: Enzo on 02.15.06 at 09:26 PM [permalink]

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