October 03, 2005

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Site news and stats for September

Before I get to the numbers for September, a few important announcements.

1. With the help of my good buddy Jim, I have registered and steup the website http://www.simonworld.net as a secondary adress for this blog. Both sites will have exactly the same information and format, and either can be read, linked, or referenced in the usual manner. There is no need to adjust your bookmarks or links, but this should make it easier for those who find the .mu.nu domain too difficult to deal with while providing a potential backup site...just in case.

2. I have had the pleasure of using Phin from apothegm design to do some maintenance work around the site. The response was quick, the cost modest and the results perfect. If you need any site work or design help, give 'em a call.

3. Thanks to the top referrers for September:

Mr Brown
Cowboy Caleb
Peking Duck

Thank you to everyone else who also linked and visited.

For those interested, some stats for September:

* 28,178 unique visitors made 61,508 unique visits, reading a total of 166,466 pages,and drawing 13.23 GB of bandwidth.
* This equals 2,050 visitors per day reading 5,548 pages each day. In other words each visitor reads 2.7 pages on average. Each visitor returned on average 2.18 times during the month.
* 1,959 visited this site via their favourites/bookmarks. 217 subscribe via Bloglines and 178 via Feedburner.
* 65.6% of you use IE, 16.2% Firefox, 3.1% Safari, 1.4% Mozilla, 1.3% Opera and 1% Netscape to browse this site. 82.4% of you use Windows, 5.6% Mac, 1.1% Linux.
* 15.1% of visits were via search engines, of which Google was 74.4% and Yahoo 17.6%. The top search phrases were "Nancy Kissel", "Robert Kissel", "Simon World" (still no. 1 for that one!) and "Icered".
* The most visited individual page remains the "Nancy Kissel trial archive".

posted by Simon on 10.03.05 at 11:57 AM in the Site Stuff category.Top referrers category.


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Life in Jiangxi defies the Celestial Nanny
Excerpt: Posted by Martyn China blog Life in Jiangxi has moved away from blocked-in-China Blog-City and re-established itself on toughblogs.com which means it now enjoys full access throughout Mainland China. In other 'Beat the Block' news, Simonworld has alrea...
Weblog: The Peking Duck
Tracked: October 5, 2005 11:04 AM


....and you failed to mention your total visits just surpassed 400,000. Well done mate.

Not on holiday today?

posted by: Martyn on 10.03.05 at 12:19 PM [permalink]

Hong Kong doesn't get the Monday off if the National Day falls on a Saturday. B@st@rds.

posted by: Simon on 10.03.05 at 12:22 PM [permalink]

It would have made more sense all round to have the Friday and Monday off. The travel industry would have preferred that as well. Still, can't expect sense from the SAR govt.

Might be accepting gainful employment in your neck of the woods soon.

posted by: Martyn on 10.03.05 at 12:42 PM [permalink]

Nice blog.I like this.

posted by: Nick on 10.03.05 at 08:50 PM [permalink]

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