August 07, 2005

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Top referrers and stats for July

Albeit a little late, but the monthly update.

Firstly thanks to the top referrers for July:

Mr Brown
Cowboy Caleb
Flying Chair
Peking Duck

Thank you to everyone else who also linked and visited.

As usual, some stats for July:

* 19,751 unique visitors made 52,858 unique visits, reading a total of 132,785 pages,and drawing 7.33 GB of bandwidth.
* This equals 1,705 visits per day reading 4,283 pages each day. In other words each visitor reads 2.51 pages on average. Each visitor returned on average 2.67 times during the month.
* 953 added this site their to favourites. 208 subscribe via Bloglines and 121 via Feedburner.
* 63% of you use IE, 18% Firefox, 3.1% Safari, 2.2% Mozilla, 1.5% Opera and 1% Netscape to browse this site. 81.3% of you use Windows, 5.7% Mac, 1.3% Linux.
* 10.7% of visits were via search engines, of which Google was 54.8% and Yahoo 31.3%. The top search phrases were "Nancy Kissel", "Simon World" (at least I'm number one for that) and "Korean babes" (thanks Dan.
* The most visited individual pages were the "Nancy Kissel trial archive" and "Getting the right answer".

posted by Simon on 08.07.05 at 10:28 PM in the Top referrers category.


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I try ;)

but http//http// The Gods of google shall surely shun me now.... :)

posted by: Dan tdaxp on 08.07.05 at 11:26 PM [permalink]

Fixed...let the Google Gods shine again.

posted by: Simon on 08.08.05 at 09:14 AM [permalink]

953 people added you to their Favourites THIS MONTH?! That's a lot a new regular readers. I've always wanted to ask though, how on earth do you have technology that tells you that someone, somewhere added you to their Favourites? I just can't understand how that would register.

1,700+ visits per day? That's more than the Peking Duck isn't it?

posted by: Martyn on 08.08.05 at 05:02 PM [permalink]

Oh, by the way, please pass on my thanks to Dave (?) for holding the fort while you were away. 2 weeks without the Linklets isn't something I want to repeat anytime soon.

posted by: Martyn on 08.08.05 at 05:09 PM [permalink]

Linklets should return tomorrow, ceteris paribas.

I get the data from my server stats. The numbers ignore visits from robots and search engines, but will inevitably include some spammers and others that aren't human visitors. That's right, aliens visit this site! As for the favourites, it comes from the same stats package. I assume each time someone does it, the browser makes a note of it. The number does seem high, so I'm not sure of it, but it might also reflect those using Firefox's live updates etc. I agree they seem high, but it flatters my ego, and that's what this is all about!

Richard likely gets more visitors, but you'd need to ask him.

posted by: Simon on 08.08.05 at 05:14 PM [permalink]

Thanks. I remember Echo once saying in a comment that TPD has 1,500 visitors. Anyway, 1,500/1,700 are both good for a China-related site I think.

BTW, I popped out this morning (in Guangzhou) and passed a few petrol stations with amazingly long queues. The driver told me what what going on. There's a story in today's SCMP called "Petrol supplies are suspended or reduced" which explains. Interesting.

Hope you're going to crack on with your economy posts. Me and a couple of mates are standing by. Also found a new China economy blog called Survived Sars. The guy mainly writes about the Yuan exchange rate. It's worth checking out.

posted by: Martyn on 08.08.05 at 06:23 PM [permalink]

Oh, that Survived Sars site is here:

posted by: Martyn on 08.08.05 at 06:24 PM [permalink]

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