July 01, 2005

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Top referrers and stats for June

Thanks to the top referrers for June:

Mr Brown
Winds of Change
Cowboy Caleb

Thank you to everyone else who also linked and visited.

As usual, some stats for June:

* 20,964 unique visitors made 51,549 unique visits, reading a total of 118,911 pages and drawing 6.63 GB of bandwidth.
* This equals 1,718 visits per day reading 3,964 pages each day. In other words each visitor read 2.3 pages on average. Each visitor returned on average 2.45 times during the month.
* 965 added this site their to favourites. 197 subscribe via Bloglines and 116 via Feedburner.
* 64% of you use IE, 18.1% Firefox, 3.1% Safari, 2.2% Mozilla, 1.6% Opera and 2.8% Netscape to browse this site. 83.2% of you use Windows, 5.7% Mac, 1.6% Linux.
* 15.4% of visits were via search engines, of which Google was 54.8% and Yahoo 31.3%. The top search phrases were "Nancy Kissel", "Sarong Party Girl" (and variations thereof) and "Robert Kissel".
* The most visited individual pages were the "Nancy Kissel trial archive"; "Best journal from the 2004 ABA" (the SPG connection) and "Tiananmen Square - June 4th, 1989".

Some geographical data although it isn't that reliable (especially given the use of proxy servers):

US = 55%
EU = 8.9%
Australia = 6.5%
Singapore = 6.0%
Hong Kong = 5.0%
China = 3.3%

Alternatively a time zone share study via Sitemeter says about 35% are from Asia Pacific, 15% from Europe and 48% from the Americas.

posted by Simon on 07.01.05 at 02:20 PM in the Top referrers category.


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Hmmm, I know you said that the geograpihical data isn't that reliable but only 3.3% from China? I find that figure stunning as I'm in China and via regular reading of pekingduck, I know that many others in China read simonworld.

I've just returned to China but I remember reading simonworld a few years ago (pre-Daily Linklets of course---BTW that was quite a brainwave you had there although it must take up a bit of time to search for the best links each day I imagine) when you had only a couple of hundred visitors each day.

Now it's 1,700+. COngratualtions mate, all well deserved via hard graft I'm sure.

Still, it's good to see that you've now become a bit of a leading China pundit these days and I notice you're now the Winds Of Change China boy. Onwards and Upwards!

posted by: Joe on 07.01.05 at 06:12 PM [permalink]

I'm one of the 965 that added you to their Firefox Bookmarks this month. I'm just wondering how on earth you know if someone added you to their bookmarks/favourites?

posted by: Joe on 07.01.05 at 06:14 PM [permalink]

Thanks very much, Joe. I get the numbers from my hosting package.

You're right on geography - it depends where the server is based, so any users of proxy servers will show up as USA. That's why I put the timezone share up as well, as it likely gives a better feel for where readers are.

posted by: Simon on 07.02.05 at 11:42 AM [permalink]

very nice blog....
keep it up....

posted by: Avik on 07.03.05 at 09:38 AM [permalink]

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