Mattel is recalling yet another batch of Chinese manufactured toys....but if only they'd asked I've got proof the toys are safe. Recent studies with dogs and Barbie dolls have shown that consisent chewing of Mattel products does NOT lead to any health problems. And if the kids are out there licking their Barbies then perhaps whatever lead leaks into their systems will teach them a lesson. In the good old days a bit of lead was considered a part of any healthy kid's diet.
posted by Simon on 09.06.07 at 10:41 AM in the China
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I think the more interesting story this weekend will be the Chinese-made condoms packaged in packaging that is said to be tearing and being turned away by residents of Washington, DC.
I think when it copmes to kids, better safe than sorry.
It only takes one kid to die or be seriously ill and the whole of Mattell colapses, thousands lose their jobs and not to mention China will lose even more credibility.
As a father i already will look at where things are manufactured.
This is not just toys, it is also tryes and dog food. Better to get it sorted now and have a prsoperous future, than the worst happening.
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