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July 17, 2007
You are on the invidual archive page of It's still good to be a man (HK edition). Click Simon World weblog for the main page.
It's still good to be a man (HK edition)
Ever wonder why men in Hong Kong are smiling so much? The Census people might have the answer: Hong Kong's population will reach 8.57 million in 30 years' time, when up to one in four people will be aged over 65 and the gender imbalance will get worse, according to projections by the Census and Statistics Department.Recent research by many men in the Wan Chai area confirm these results. posted by Simon on 07.17.07 at 08:26 AM in the Hong Kong people category.
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http://www.goldsrunescape.com hmmmm Might have to move to Hong Kong sounds like a great situation. http://morfolojne.com/245_0.htm http://morfolojnh.com/273_0.htm Very nice point of view! Respect! posted by: xqo777mowy on 08.05.07 at 09:36 AM [permalink]Hmm... sweet! [*../nice_site2.txt*]
provide 24/7 live support posted by: 流水线 on 08.12.07 at 12:04 PM [permalink] |