July 04, 2006

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Scenes from a property bubble, Hong Kong style

City's biggest bank to flog its staff quarters on the Peak thanks to sky high valuations. But won't someone think of those poor bankers, left on the street? But I know someone who can help:In April, Hutchison Whampoa managing director Canning Fok Kin-ning bought a detached house at 37 Deep Water Bay Road for HK$350 million.

He must have some spare space in there somewhere.

Meanwhile, in the Twilight Zone, Regina Ip becomes a democrat. I've heard of a road to Damascus conversion, but never a road to Stanford...

posted by Simon on 07.04.06 at 11:30 AM in the Hong Kong economy category.


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Slightly off topic but..........

$350 million!!!!!!!

Now beware of thiefs and raids.

posted by: Rachel on 07.05.06 at 01:02 PM [permalink]

France will win the Zee World Cup. I will bet my Arc Triomphe on it...

posted by: Jacques Chirac on 07.07.06 at 02:07 PM [permalink]

Not a bad idea. He 's got a good oppurtunity to proove that humanity still prevails and he is of kind and sympathetic dispostion by giving shelter to those on the street. Remember, everybody pays for the bad deeds and get the friuts for the good ones.

posted by: Scott on 07.14.06 at 04:57 PM [permalink]

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