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March 01, 2006
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Model Chinese villages
Josephine Ma in the SCMP looks at the downside of the new socialist countryside fairy tale, by taking at a look the new model villages being built. It is an unusual combination: piles of dry wood and maize leaves stacked behind rows of two-storey villas in a clean concrete compound, surrounded by muddy traditional villages. New Liangzhui village and the lookalike Xujia village 2km away look like any other luxury Beijing property development - except for the stockpiled fuel that betrays the residents' dilemma.My emphasis both times. Despite the negative spin, it would seem that Liang's efforts are the best way to go - a market solution to the problem of poverty. Smaller plots are accumulated into viable commercial farmland, agribusiness improves the wages and conditions of villagers and so on in a virtuous cycle. A perfectly capitalist solution for the new socialist countryside. posted by Simon on 03.01.06 at 09:28 AM in the China category.
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