December 09, 2005

You are on the invidual archive page of The Economist on 12/4. Click Simon World weblog for the main page.
The Economist on 12/4

The Economist covers the 12/4 Hong Kong democracy march (no sub. req'd for that one) with some interesting points along the way, including the diminishing aims of the democracy movement (from universal suffrage in '07/08 to now just a timetable), the Anson Chan factor, and the potential benefits of democracy for China as demonstrated by the success of the Kuomintang in Taiwan's recent elections. Nothing earth-shattering but it's a fair overview of the march and actual situation in Hong Kong at present. But the final paragraph is baffling:

Meanwhile, comfortingly for China, as well as for Mr Tsang, there appears to be little appetite in Hong Kong for sustained, let alone violent, protests that could threaten the territory's recent recovery from its prolonged economic malaise. China's leaders should now be clearer what Hong Kong wants, but also of the limits to which it is prepared to go to get it.
Have any of the protests in recent years threatened Hong Kong's economic recovery? Is the Economist suggesting Hong Kongers will need to take up arms to win democracy? The last time limits were tested, fully 500,000 people showed up, the Chief Executive soon resigned and the planned Article 23 legislation was buried and deemed the third rail of Hong Kong politics.

If anyone can decypher the meaning of the article's last paragraph, please explain it to me.

posted by Simon on 12.09.05 at 09:38 PM in the Hong Kong democracy/politics category.


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Well, It seems to say that democracy in HK can only be obtained through violence.
Violence would hurt the economy.
Thank god they don't have democracy.

Pretty sad, huh?

posted by: Jonas on 12.11.05 at 05:08 AM [permalink]

Whoa, that is a mouthful...I was confused until I read the 1st comment, Ya I'd agree.

posted by: Shay on 12.11.05 at 08:11 AM [permalink]

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