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August 17, 2005
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Daily linklets 17th August
Feedster have a monthly Top 500 blogs, and somehow yours truly came in at number 408. Flattered but undeserved. Right, on with the show...
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Congratulations Simon! Perhaps you may upgrade your “Everything you wanted to know about blogging but were afraid to ask” to “How to be the Feedster 500”. posted by: Letters from China on 08.17.05 at 02:32 PM [permalink]Yes, congratulations for making it to #408, great work. You put a lot of hard work and thought into this blog because it shows on as daily basis. Therfore, it's nice to see that persistence recognised. Apart from Simonworld, I noticed Wangjianshuos (sp?) blog, Winds of Change and something called The China Stock Blog to be the only China-related sites in the top 500. It's nice to see one of our own in the top 500. Again, well done. Throughly deserved. posted by: Martyn on 08.17.05 at 08:35 PM [permalink]Thanks. I'm flattered to be one of the few "China" ones to make it, but really such a list should also contain Peking Duck and ESWN at a minimum, not to mention Danwei. posted by: Simon on 08.18.05 at 09:33 AM [permalink]To be honest, I didn't quite understand how the system of links was really calculated. However, we can all whinge about who and what should have been included but the fact is, they weren't.....for whatever reason and Simonworld was. It's just nice to see one of our own blogs up there with the likes of Daily Kos and Malkin. Great stuff and, as I said, totally deserved. posted by: Martyn on 08.18.05 at 11:06 AM [permalink]![]() |