August 11, 2005

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Daily linklets 11th August posted by Simon on 08.11.05 at 03:29 PM in the Daily linklets category.


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As always, great links. I particularly enjoyed the top two. "China's Economic Growth" by Richard Fisher is one of few superb economny articles published recently.

I was relieved that Mr. Fisher mentioned purchasing-power-parity as you'd have gone to America and spanked him had he not.

Two "Little China" statistics jumped off the page for me: the U.S. has 19,497 airports; China, just 126 and on a straight U.S. dollar basis (not adjusted for purchasing power parity), their economy is roughly the size of California’s, 1/30 of US PER CAPITA GDP.

Amazing fugures.

posted by: Martyn on 08.11.05 at 07:09 PM [permalink]

A bit of perspective always helps. The difference is China's growth rate is more than double that of the US, but it is going off a much, much lower base.

I talked about this a while they are:

If China was America and other absurdities


China's economic development

posted by: Simon on 08.11.05 at 07:19 PM [permalink]

Thanks, will chekc them out.

posted by: Martyn on 08.11.05 at 07:23 PM [permalink]

The best linklet ever,

posted by: lin on 08.12.05 at 07:08 AM [permalink]

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