June 21, 2005

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Thrila in Manila

Some observations from the capital of the Philippines:

1. I have never seen semi-public, bright pink male urinals lining major streets until now. What do the women do?

2. On the subject of women, Filipinas must have the highest bust to waist ratio in the world.

3. Everyone will warn you that Manila's traffic is terrible and you need leave leave plenty of time between appointments. That's a lie.

4. When the hotel has chains, sniffer dogs, metal detectors, a bomb sweep and a bag check before you walk in the front door, you know you're not in Kansas anymore.

5. When the lady at check-in gives you a five minute lecture of the dangers of walking around the city, the typical scams and ways to avoid being mugged, you know you're not in Kansas anymore.

6. If you enjoy living in cliches such as a couple of ales in a major hotel cocktail bar, complete with slightly out of tune senior citizens band belting out numbers from the "good old days", secluded couples engaging in the oldest form of commerce and dated furniture, I highly recommend the Shangri La Makati.

posted by Simon on 06.21.05 at 10:16 AM in the


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