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June 19, 2005
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China's income gap
China's economic miracle inevitable leads to a continually growing income gap between rich and poor: China's income gap widened in the first quarter of the year, with 10 percent of the nation's richest people enjoying 45 percent of the country's wealth, state press reports said.China's ruling party is a misnomer. Dealing with the tensions that arise from this growing gap is and will remain the Chinese leadership's greatest task. So long as even the poorest feel their living standards are rising (albeit not as quickly as their richer coastal cousins), the tensions are bearable. Whenever the CCP feels pressured, they are quick to whip out the nationalism card as a distraction, the most obvious examples being Taiwan and Japan. But the undercurrent of ethnic and class tensions remain. It ain't easy being a Commie. posted by Simon on 06.19.05 at 02:55 PM in the
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