May 21, 2005

You are on the invidual archive page of Indochine. Click Simon World weblog for the main page.

Just got back from a week long tour of Laos and Cambodia. In both places it seems their Communist governments have been the best thing to happen to the people in a long, long time. I can highly recommend visits to both Seim Reip/Angkor Wat and Luang Prabang. Get there before they turn in Indochinese Disneylands.

Thanks so much to the guest blogging crew. They've done a great job, again.

Regular posting resumes on Monday.

posted by Simon on 05.21.05 at 11:14 AM in the


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I've been thinking about heading down to Laos for awhile. I heard a nasty rumor that you have to turn your passport over to the authorities during your stay, is that right?

About Cambodia, you kind of threw me for a loop on that one. I assume that you were referring to the former Cambodian government because Cambodia is currently a Constitutional Monarchy.

Anyway, hope you will be blogging about some of your experiences there.


posted by: Gordon on 05.21.05 at 12:44 PM [permalink]

No, you keep your passport.

Cambodia is a constitutional monarchy. However the monarch has little power. Hun Sen's People's Party lead the overthrow of the Khemer Rogue and has ruled since 1979, although multi-party elections since the late 90s have seen two other key parties rise. Nevertheless, Hun Sen is still PM and he's a Commie. They're elected Commies.

posted by: Simon on 05.23.05 at 11:23 AM [permalink]

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