October 05, 2004

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Grabbing the chance

This morning I went to the Australian Consulate here in Hong Kong and voted. The whole process took less than 5 minutes; there were no hoardes of desperate politico types shoving wads of waste paper ("how to vote" leaflets) into my hands and exorting me to vote for Labor/Liberal/Democrats/Greens/No GST/Fishing/Lower Beer Excise/Family First (all real parties); no waiting in lines and all during work time.

Hong Kong is missing a massive tourism opportunity.

posted by Simon on 10.05.04 at 11:43 AM in the


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Tourism ideas
Excerpt: Something people at the Hong Kong Tourism Board - oh screw them, Tourism Malaysia should listen to. Hassle-free vote-casting, what a bright idea!
Weblog: Rajan Rishyakaran
Tracked: October 5, 2004 07:14 PM


Weren't there two volunteers waiting at the lift lobby handing out Labor How-to-Vote cards? They were there when I went to vote on Saturday...

posted by: spacehunt on 10.06.04 at 09:34 PM [permalink]

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