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September 16, 2004
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Asia by Blog
As seen on Instapundit... Hong Kong, Taiwan and China Korea and Japan SE Asia Miscellany
TrackBack URL for this entry: http://blog.mu.nu/cgi/trackback.cgi/45770 Send a manual trackback ping to this post. TGIT Excerpt: There are only really 2 good things about Thursday. One is that if you work a 5 day work week, the next day is Friday and we all know what that means. The other is of course this. Weblog: The Asia Pages Tracked: September 16, 2004 08:37 PM MOST OF THE SITES ON MY BLOGROLL ARE COMPLETE TOSH Excerpt: I'm off to Colombia in the morning. As soon as I find an internet I’ll update this swine. If you don’t hear from me within about four days, assume I’ve been kidnapped. I might put a PayPal box up so that well-wishers can chip in tow... Weblog: CHASE ME LADIES, I'M IN THE CAVALRY Tracked: September 17, 2004 03:55 AM Courtesy of Simon World Excerpt: As usual, Simon World is providing excellent links for news all over Asia. Two reports I've found over there: First, something bad is in the soil in Singapore...SINGAPORE (Reuters) - A soil-borne bacterial infection called melioidosis has killed 24 peo... Weblog: eclexys Tracked: September 18, 2004 03:00 PM America's North Korea Options Excerpt: Marshall of Power Politics looks at the situation and the options facing the USA re: North Korea. Is America moving toward a "strong containment" strategy? Weblog: Winds of Change.NET Tracked: September 20, 2004 12:02 PM Examining Washington's NK options Excerpt: Winston Marshal at Power Politics examines the Bush Administration's North Korea options and concludes: "...however the Bush administration hopes to resolve the North Korean crisis, it is clearly hedging its bets. If the current strategy fails (which i... Weblog: NKZone Tracked: September 20, 2004 06:26 PM |