August 04, 2004

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Lightning striking twice

I went to a small school back in Sydney. No, not for people of less than average stature (and I still maintain 5"7' is right on average, damnit). My entire graduating year had about 30 kids in it. I say about because there were one whom I was never sure was enrolled or not, but he seemed to turn up a lot. And I say kids because surely we were. The day we all left school for good was a happy day because spending 6 years of your life with the same 30 kids going through the usual adolescent dramas ends up being a mixed bag.

So it pleases me no end to have recently revived contact with one of my closest buddies from those days. He's now living outside of San Fran (for a small class we've sure dispersed) and he even has his own blog on Business Continuity, if you like that kind of thing. In the words of the anti-semitic mouse drawer: it's a small world after all.

G'day Kolya.

posted by Simon on 08.04.04 at 04:45 PM in the


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Some of the coolest people I know (or happen to be) are 5'7". Chin up, mate.

How else are we to look anyone else in the eye?

posted by: Paul on 08.04.04 at 10:28 PM [permalink]

Simon - G'day! Thanks for the link! You were my inspiration.

posted by: Kolya on 08.05.04 at 01:43 AM [permalink]

I know its been a while - but my name is spelt KOLYA not KOYLA!

posted by: Kolya on 08.05.04 at 01:44 AM [permalink]

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