August 04, 2004

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There are signs and there are signs

We had a further chat with our faithful potential helper last night - the one who is waiting for a sign from God to tell her if the job was right. It turns out it was a different sign entirely she was waiting for. In the course of discussions we got down to tachlis, in particular money. After she proceeded to tell us why the job would be very difficult and worthy of a high salary, she then proceeded to tell us of her inflated expectations for her food allowance "because I've been told you need more food here." I didn't bother asking her why she figured her calorie intake need to increase when she was going to be doing the same job she was at her previous employer given she wasn't going to get the job anyway.

But we've learnt our lesson. The sign she was waiting for was a dollar sign, not a heavenly one. In the battle between God and Mammon, God hasn't got a chance.

posted by Simon on 08.04.04 at 03:16 PM in the


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You posting this is downright spooky. I was listening to this very report on my drive into work this morning. This reporter, Rob Gifford, struck me as very intelligent and articulate. For someone reason I thought of you (not in that way!).

It was an interesting report about how young girls are attracted to jobs as "hostesses" by the ability to earn in one night what it takes others a month to equal. They quickly find themselves trapped in a job they hate but supporting a family that has no other way of earning that kind of money. Incredibly sad!

Try the audio link at this url:

Cheers mate, Paul.

posted by: Paul on 08.04.04 at 10:01 PM [permalink]

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