July 11, 2004

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The Candidates make their case

It's worth waiting for; John Kerry and George W. Bush set out their rival cases for why each should be President, all in 2 minutes and with guest appearances galore: Arnie, Bill and Hillary, Dick Cheney, John Edwards. See if you can spot Condi and Howard Dean.

EVen better is these guys have just started an excellent blog. For example: Really, you ask, why pollute the WWW with one more stupid blog? Because we can. And because we love you. Straight onto the roll with you.

(Via long lost but newly rediscovered Kolya)

posted by Simon on 07.11.04 at 07:14 PM in the


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No bias here.
Excerpt: No bias here.  Just like Simon, JibJab's blog is added to my blogroll.Thanks Simon and Kolya!
Weblog: procheinamy.blog-city.com
Tracked: July 11, 2004 11:08 PM

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Tracked: July 13, 2004 03:54 AM


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