Along the same lines, some wonderbrain did a comparison between movies and videogames. He took the average price per minute of a Hollywood studio production times the average amount of time that someone spends playing a videogame and decided that if games cost the same to make as movies, they would cost $13 billion US each. I'm sure that knowing this makes me a better person but not quite sure how.
I was in Vevey recently, a small town south of Lausanne in Suisse, across the lake from the town of Evian. The best thing about Vevey (besides the mountains and the lake and pain au chocolait) was that when you turned the taps on to drink water, it was Evian mineral water that came out.
Oh pooh frances, that's nothing. In Hong Kong when I turn on the taps not only does water from Hong Kong and somewhere else foreign run out but it is tea-coloured and therefore saves buying Lipton's muck.
Besides, chez gunlaw uses 15 cubic metres (3,300 imperial gallons to the peasants) of alleged water monthly at a cost of HK$60. That therefore means that alleged water costs the same as petrol before price gouging, assorted rip-offs and 600% tax- check your credit card slip.