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May 09, 2007
You are on the invidual archive page of Collusion in Hong Kong. Click Simon World weblog for the main page.
Collusion in Hong Kong
So what will it take to force the HK government into enacting a competition law? Perhaps yesterday's land auction. The SCMP reports: A Sino Land-led consortium won a residential site in West Kowloon for a less-than-expected HK$4 billion yesterday after the government issued an unprecedented warning to developers over their conduct during the bidding.When collusion hurts the government's coffers, you can be sure the next step will be anti-trust and competition law. It's OK if cartels keep prices high to rip-off consumers or flat buyers, but if developers are going to game the government they're in for a hell of a fight. posted by Simon on 05.09.07 at 10:02 AM in the Hong Kong economy category.
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