November 02, 2006

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Amorous Local Customs

I've been looking into various cities in Guangdong (that are not Shenzhen or Guangzhou) for a day or weekend trip. I've settled on Jiangmen as a fascinating town with a rich local history, including the watchtowers of Kaiping, the Liang Qichao Memorial Museum, and perhaps a trip to the hot springs. A lot of money came back into Jiangmen from a host of its sons and daughters that made the dangerous trip as migrant workers overseas in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

But I was intrigued by the Jiangmen government tourism website. It's probably unfair of me to make fun of the English version, but I shall do it anyway. Under the heading local customs, it has this to say:

Amorous Feelings on Chuan Islands

[Evidently a place for courting couples - Ed.] Sea bath pool at Feisha beach...the first choice among sunny beach with snow-white sands, bright and clear water. Apart from that, other places worth a trip are Monkey Island [sounds like the title of a raunchy reality TV show -Ed.]; beautiful sunset glow in Shadi [no, that's Shah-DEE, Dave you dummy - Ed.]...oil cypress grove, diamond of vegetable kingdom [?-Ed/]; and mangrove.

posted by HK Dave on 11.02.06 at 09:20 PM in the China history, education & culture category.


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So now we know why you're so keen to head there.

posted by: Simon on 11.05.06 at 05:00 PM [permalink]

consider Foshan in your next trip.
a nice lake, and ancient temple, etc.

posted by: sunbin on 11.07.06 at 12:09 PM [permalink]

Yes, Simon, well I haven't discovered the area's many attractions yet. But perhaps in two weeks' time! I'll definitely look into Fut-san, thanks, Sun Bin.

posted by: HK Dave on 11.07.06 at 03:40 PM [permalink]

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