May 03, 2006

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Train Kept-A Rollin' (Into Tibet)

The Chinese government proudly announced that trial services of its Qinghai-Tibet railway, the highest rail line ever built, will begin July 1st, and that the tickets have already been sold out. That the government wanted to quash any lingering notions of independence in Tibet by bringing it more firmly into the Chinese economic orbit with this audacious infrastructure project, there is no doubt. I myself have almost no reservations in saying that this is an entirely good thing, because of the poverty experienced by most of the inhabitants of Tibet. If nothing else, it will hopefully also bring better food (I rank Tibetan food as the worst on earth - if anyone can think of anything nastier than yak milk with tsampa every day, please tell me).

My issue concerns more the safety arrangements of the trains, which the People's Daily somehow makes sound equivalent to a cruise on Cunard:

For travelers to have sufficient time to enjoy the natural beauty on the plateau, the passenger trains will depart in the morning and arrive in the evening.

Meanwhile, this world's highest and longest plateau railroad will have two oxygen supply systems on trains to combat the effects of altitude sickness on passengers.

Oxygen will come from a system like central air-conditioning on trains, which can ensure the oxygen content in carriages at about 85 percent of that in plain areas, said Ma, adding that oxygen masks will also be installed near seats for passengers to use in case they still feel sick.

Now the last time I rode the trains in the Western areas of China, I had trouble getting a seat, and remember the tremendous scrum at the on-board ticket counter that made the Rugby Sevens look like church bingo when I boarded at an intermediate station (Kuqa) at 3 in the morning. Imagine the fights between enraged, disoriented, oxygen deprived Chinese men when that most precious resource, air, is in dispute on an overcrowded train!

I for one could not be paid enough to get on that first train, and happily leave the task to hardier souls.

posted by HK Dave on 05.03.06 at 05:53 PM in the China economy category.


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i disagree with your comment there china has done it's best to colonize tibet , but , don't you think the entire plan is abit too glorified and unrealistic . china should concentrate more of it's energy on it's own internal matter.

posted by: SAM on 05.04.06 at 07:17 PM [permalink]

HI! great site! My name is Nolvadex! I like it! Thanks!

posted by: Nolvadex on 05.26.06 at 07:32 PM [permalink]

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