September 29, 2005

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The only traffic lights in China

Monty Python had a famous song about traffic lights. It began (the full version is below the jump):

I like traffic lights,
I like traffic lights,
I like traffic lights,
No matter where they've been.
I like traffic lights,
I like traffic lights,
I like traffic lights,
I like traffic lights,
I like traffic lights,
But only when they're green.

It appears China has taken the message to heart. Today's SCMP reports on the latest efforts to prepare China for a potential flu outbreak guessed it, a set of traffic lights with Chinese characteristics. Below the jump is the flu system, with the added bonus of a blue light at the "don't panic" level. But this isn't the first time we've seen the blue/green/yellow/red lights. Only last month the Income Research Institute said China's income gap was approaching the yellow light area. I'm waiting for someone to introduce the "walk/don't walk" scale.

In a country where 100,000 people died last year from traffic accidents, it's a shame the only traffic lights that get noticed are in newspapers.

China's flu alert system


The full Monty Python traffic light song

I like traffic lights,
I like traffic lights,
I like traffic lights,
No matter where they've been.
I like traffic lights,
I like traffic lights,
I like traffic lights,
I like traffic lights,
I like traffic lights,
But only when they're green.
He likes traffic lights,
He likes traffic lights,
He likes traffic lights,
No matter where they've been.
He likes traffic lights,
He likes traffic lights,
He likes traffic lights,
But only when they're green.
I like traffic lights,
I like traffic lights,
I like traffic lights,
That is what I said.
I like traffic lights,
I like traffic lights,
I like traffic lights,
But not when they are red.
He likes traffic lights,
He likes traffic lights,
That is what he said.
He likes traffic lights,
He likes traffic lights,
He likes traffic lights,
He likes traffic lights,
He likes traffic lights,
But not when they are red.
I like traffic lights,
I like traffic lights,
I like traffic lights,
Although my name's not Bamber.
I like traffic lights,
I like traffic lights,
I like traffic lights,
I...Oh God!

posted by Simon on 09.29.05 at 09:39 AM in the China food/environment/health category.


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In a related Python-moment:
(Spoken)The world today seems absolutely crackers,
With nuclear bombs to blow us all sky high.
There's fools and idiots sitting on the trigger.
It's depressing and it's senseless, and that's why...

I like Chinese.
I like Chinese.
They only come up to your knees,
Yet they're always friendly, and they're ready to please.

I like Chinese.
I like Chinese.
There's nine hundred million of them in the world today.
You'd better learn to like them; that's what I say.

I like Chinese.
I like Chinese.
They come from a long way overseas,
But they're cute and they're cuddly, and they're ready to please.

I like Chinese food.
The waiters never are rude.
Think of the many things they've done to impress.
There's Maoism, Taoism, I Ching, and Chess.

So I like Chinese.
I like Chinese.
I like their tiny little trees,
Their Zen, their ping-pong, their yin, and yang-ese.

I like Chinese thought,
The wisdom that Confucious taught.
If Darwin is anything to shout about,
The Chinese will survive us all without any doubt.

So, I like Chinese.
I like Chinese.
They only come up to your knees,
Yet they're wise and they're witty, and they're ready to please.

[From Eric Idle Sings Monty Python: I like Chinese,
I like Chinese
We sometimes bomb theire embassies,
But we don't really mean to we thought they were trees]

All together.

[verse in Chinese]
Wo ai zhongguo ren.
Wo ai zhongguo ren.
Wo ai zhongguo ren.
Ni hao ma; ni hao ma; ni hao ma; zaijien!

I like Chinese.
I like Chinese.
Their food is guaranteed to please,
A fourteen, a seven, a nine, and lychees.

I like Chinese.
I like Chinese.
I like their tiny little trees,
Their Zen, their ping-pong, their yin, and yang-ese.

I like Chinese.
I like Chinese.
They only come up to your knees...(fade)

Music and lyrics by: Eric Idle
Arranged by: John Du Prez

posted by: Justin on 09.29.05 at 04:22 PM [permalink]

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