September 23, 2005

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Cat fight

Mouthless cat or ruthless corporate machine?


The Standard reports on the long arm of Sanrio and its damn cat:

Hello Kitty's copyright holders are threatening to sue FM Theater Power, a local drama troupe, for infringing its intellectual property rights, it was revealed Thursday.

The stage enthusiasts, a group of secondary students and drama lovers, said they received a letter Wednesday last week from local solicitor Victor Chu and Co representing Sanrio of Japan accusing them of stepping on Hello Kitty's copyright tail.

Sanrio requested that the drama group disclose all the details of activities connected with the production, promotion and staging of the play Kitty Hunter, including advertising materials, ticketing information, audience counts, revenue and profit...Banky Yeung, artistic director of the group and writer of Kitty Hunter, said the drama was simply a love story about a girl named Kitty, even though plush Hello Kitty toys are used as props and images similar to the cartoon character serve as promotion materials...

...the play has been staged 59 times in various places including the academy's theater and cultural venues managed by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department since 2000.

The good news for the theatre troup is this kind of publicity will do far more for ticket sales than any flyer.

If you can stomach it, you can eat Hello Kitty.

posted by Simon on 09.23.05 at 11:04 AM in the Hong Kong category.


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hello kitty lawsuit
Excerpt: Still more evil from the mouthless one from Sanrio.: The Standard reports on the long arm of Sanrio and its damn cat: Hello Kitty's copyright holders are threatening to sue FM Theater Power, a local drama troupe, for infringing
Weblog: asiapundit
Tracked: September 23, 2005 10:26 PM


Oh you could not be more wrong Simon. Hello Kitty is a martyr of Marxism-Leninism and strives to perpetuate socialist revolution. The red hair bow is symbollic of the blood of the prolitariet and the violent conflict that is required to create a classless society. Her lifeless eyes epitomize that suffering of the people under the yoke of the capitalist oppressors. The fact that she is a product of Sanrio, a tool of the state and symbolic the reactionary-military-capitalist nexus is even more fitting. Afterall, it was Lenin who said the capitalists would sell us the rope with which to hang them with.

posted by: Jing on 09.23.05 at 09:56 PM [permalink]

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