April 12, 2005

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SimTerror05: Military exercises to go ahead


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President of the Republic of Indonesia

Immediate Release. April 12th, 2005.

The Indonesian Security Cabinet met today in Jakarta. Despite the deplorable events in Australia it has been decided the planned military exercises to be conducted by the combined Indonesian armed forces in West Timor will go ahead as planned.

President Simoni remarked: "These exercises have been planned for months. They are part of a regular cycle of such training exercises to keep Indonesia's military world class. I am happy to announce that several senior East Timorese military personnel will observe the exercise first-hand.

On the Sydney bombings, I want to repeat the Indonesian people are with the Australian people at this time. If this horrible event teaches us anything, it is that tolerance and understanding are the ways forward. I hope the Australian public remembers that in the days ahead."

posted by Simon on 04.12.05 at 09:57 AM in the SimTerror05 category.


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Indonesian military exercise to go ahead
Excerpt: President of the Republic of Indonesia Immediate Release. April 12th, 2005. The Indonesian Security Cabinet met today in Jakarta. Despite the href="http://silentrunning.tv/archives/005712.php">deplorable events in Australia it has been decided the pla...
Weblog: Silent Running
Tracked: April 12, 2005 06:21 PM


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