March 09, 2005

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Daily linklets March 9th

This is a daily collection of links, some with commentary, to news stories and interesting blog posts. It will be updated throughout the day with a new timestamp for the updates.

Scroll down for today's other posts.

  • The Hong Kong-Macau-Zuhai white elephant bridge has been given approval.
  • A Hong Kong company is suing Apple over patent violations over the iPod and iTunes digital rights management system. They're aiming for 12% of gross revenues from both.
  • The fuss continues over China's new anti-secsssion law. The problem is, as was mentioned yesterday in the linklets, the law is a fig-leaf that means nothing. Geo-politics doesn't work based on laws. This law is just formalising what has been policy for years.
  • China and India's border talks to resume at the end of March as part of the ongoing rapprochement.
  • (12:59) The BBC China week continues, today with a look at China's net nanny.
posted by Simon on 03.09.05 at 12:59 PM in the Daily linklets category.


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