February 14, 2005

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A dog's life

My Da told me money doesn't grow on trees. He's right. It comes out of my dog's backside.

Chinese New Year means lai see. These red packets usually contain money and are given to singles, employees, children and others with a hearty "Kung Hei Fat Choi". On Thursday the family attended a traditional lion dance at our apartment complex. While scaring away evil spirits it also scared the hell out of the kids. To make them feel better the God of Fortune dolled out lai see. Over the break we also saw many of the kids' playmates*. By the weekend we were had many lai see packets and it was too hard to keep track.

Fast forward to yesterday. While everyone else was napping, JC and I took Misti the wonder-dog for a walk. In the bracing park air we were enjoying some quality Daddy/daughter bonding time. Misti ran merrily ahead, at one stage snatching a sandwich from a too-slow hiker who had left it sitting on a bench. She frolicked and pranced, rolled and ran, huffed and puffed. Eventually she had business to attend to. Being the dutiful owner, I used a plastic bag and picked up her production. While not normally in the habit of closely examining dog excreta, I noticed something unusual. I looked again. On closer inspection it was true: Misti had shat a $10 note. Ironically JC has been reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, with its golden eggs. We both knew exactly what to do. We raced home, hopeful and happy with our new fountain of wealth. We pampered the dog, we tended to her with extra love and affection and waited. Her next droppings were eagerly examined. But alas, nothing. Yet. But I remain hopeful.

A dog pooing money has to be a good omen for the Year of the Rooster. Better than a broken Wishing Tree, that's for sure.

* No, not Daddy's playmates. Daddy has a very different interpretation of the word.

posted by Simon on 02.14.05 at 05:00 PM in the


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oh perfect, so that note now goes back into circulation. thanks for the warning!

posted by: cf on 02.14.05 at 05:09 PM [permalink]

Sweet! The best we've had out of Kota was a handful of marbles.

posted by: Jim on 02.14.05 at 06:48 PM [permalink]

The sun shines out of S**** Do dah, do dah...

posted by: Ma on 02.14.05 at 07:05 PM [permalink]

Here in the USA, you can take the serial number off a dollar and see where it has been. I dont suppose you have something like that over there. I could imagine the entry you would put in for that particular entry!

posted by: mdmhvonpa on 02.15.05 at 08:11 AM [permalink]

Oh, that site is http://www.wheresgeorge.com/ just so you know.

posted by: mdmhvonpa on 02.15.05 at 08:14 AM [permalink]

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