February 07, 2005

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Kissel case scoop

This site, November 10th, 2004: On April 25th 2005 there is a pre-trial review of the [Nancy Kissel murder] case at the High Court, estimated duration 30 minutes.
On May 19th 2005 the case proper begins, estimated to take 20 days.

South China Morning Post, February 6th, 2005: exactly the same information, plastered on the front page above the fold.

Expect to read the SCMP's coverage of the Kissel murder trial in May...2006.

I've established a category of the Kissel case with all the relevant posts on the topic.

posted by Simon on 02.07.05 at 09:35 AM in the Kissel category.


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SCMP catching up on Kissel
Excerpt: The Robert Kissel murder has generated a huge amount of interest. Last week I noted the SCMP finally covering the upcoming case, 3 months after I had obtained the same information. Today "Spike" from the SCMP left this comment:Why the bitchy tone Simon...
Weblog: Simon World
Tracked: February 15, 2005 01:43 PM


Why the bitchy tone Simon? You moan when the papers don't report the story and then you moan when they do...just because a piece of info apears on an obscure website, surely this does not preclude it being given a much wider audience in a newspaper at a later date?

posted by: Spike on 02.15.05 at 11:55 AM [permalink]

Spike, you miss my point. The difference between news and history is iming. Your paper reported the details of the Kissel trial three months after the information was in the public domain. The SCMP have devoted very little coverage to the case, despite being on of immense interest to the paper's readership.

I appreciate the SCMP bringing the issue to a broader audience. But your coverage of the case has been woeful. There were a couple of articles over the killing, then almost nothing until this filler last Sunday. We'll see how the coverage of the case itself goes but on current form I'm not optimistic.

I take your point about this being an "obscure" website. Which makes my beating your paper on this story by 3 months an embarrassment for you. I could understand if the article came out a week or two after the trial dates were set. 3 months late is just filling in space.

If you are going to be a newspaper you need to start reporting news as it happens.

posted by: Simon on 02.15.05 at 01:24 PM [permalink]

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