January 13, 2005

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More on vouchers and a new HK Blog

Let's give a warm welcome to 100 sq foot each (Update: while we're at it, let's also say hi to Amy Gu). Reidon adds his thoughts on a voucher system for HK school kids. Chris mentioned that vouchers are not an easy solution. True, but that is not a reason to shy away from the idea. Students at local public schools already effectively receive vouchers, just the Government doesn't physically pass the money to the parents - instead it provides the schooling. Via the subvention the Government somewhat subsidises the ESF schools for those HK taxpayers who have children that do not speak Cantonese fluently. The other international schools, despite still being children of HK taxpayers, receive nothing. It is inequitable. I'm not saying the ESF subvention should be cut. I am saying the Government either needs to restate subsidies to all international schools or provide vouchers to compensate those taxpaying parents who do not have children at local public schools, irrespective if they are locals or expats.

posted by Simon on 01.13.05 at 09:11 AM in the


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