January 09, 2005

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Early and often

I didn't even realise I'd been nominated, but yours truly is in some fine company in the 2005 Australian Blog Awards. In the best Overseas Australian Blog category I've got tough competition, including fellow HK-er Spirit Fingers and Chinese blog Supernaut. In fact geographically greater China dominates this category.

Follow this link for details on voting.

Update: Just before Award fatigue sets in, the 2005 Bloggies are in the nomination stage. This one has actual prizes and it includes an Asian category.

posted by Simon on 01.09.05 at 11:58 AM in the


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Vote for Simon, he deserves to win more than best designed blog. Carn the mighty Simonworld!

posted by: Spirit Fingers on 01.09.05 at 06:42 PM [permalink]

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