October 25, 2004

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Asia by Blog

Asia by Blog is a twice weekly feature, posted on Monday and Thursday, providing links to Asian blogs and their views on the news in this fascinating region. Please send me an email if you would like to be notified of new editions. Previous editions can be found here.

This edition contains Korea's worst season, China's mines, Hooters, which US Presidential candidate is best for China, Japan's earthquake system, could China annex North Korea, pissed off Pakistanis and plenty more...

Hong Kong, China and Taiwan

  • China's mining disaster is unfortunately nothing new. Liberalisation and reform may be the answer, although Infidel worries about nuclear power in China.

  • Sharpies, business in Wenzhou and shoes in Spain - all in one.

  • The latest form of Western cultural imperialism has breached China's defenses...and they seem happy about it. Conrad, however, has a problem with the advertising.

  • It ain't easy being a croc.

  • HK Democrats are working towards a referendum on voting in Hong Kong: Tom has the details.

  • Phil says "People's" in a country name means anything but.

  • ACB continues to look at China and the US and their competing interests.

  • Fumier has a first person look at the Chung Yeung festival. And while on dead people, everything you wanted to know about Mao's embalming.

  • China is looking to learn from one Hong Kong model: its property market.

  • Xinhua needs poopreaders proofreaders.

  • A complete set of links to the Globe and Mail's China survey, including migrant workers, the environment, spiritual vacuum, sex and drugs plus more.

  • Matthew looks at which US Presidential candidate would be better for China's economic and political relations.
  • Korea and Japan

  • There is an excellent discussion on the potential for China to annex a collapsing North Korea over at Marmot's.

  • The gold is finally decided in Olympic gymnastics.

  • Eating out in Japan is becoming an expensive business.

  • Seoul is going to stay as Korea's capital.

  • Someone needs to tell North Korean defectors that international schools aren't consulates.

  • Joel's been "researching" Koreans' love of plastic surgery.

  • Why do China and Korea dislike Japan? Matthew's keeping watch on China's anti-Japan rhetoric ban.

  • First typhoons, then earthquakes (more here) and now Japan's bullet train had its first derailment in 40 years.

  • While on Japan's earthquake, a look at the scale Japan uses to measure these things.

  • A look at Korea's economic woes.

  • Korea's entering its worst season of the year: the suicide season.

  • Unsurprisingly, North Korea has the worst "freedom of press" in the world.

  • Colin Powell's in Tokyo to discuss the restructuring of US forces in Japan.
  • SE and Other Asia

  • Jihadis crossed the final line when they took and killed Chinese hostages in Pakistan.

  • The Commonwealth has just made becoming a certified democracy much easier: coup, rewrite constitution, ban opposition, rig elections and you're done.

  • Bush makes odd bedfellows.

  • What works in Estonia may not work in the Philippines.
  • Miscellany

  • If Vietnamese food is your dish, check out Noodle Pie.

  • When you've finished here, trying going around the world by blog instead.
  • posted by Simon on 10.25.04 at 02:09 PM in the Asia by blog category.


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    real estate news, listings and more

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