August 11, 2004

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Saving the world one takeover at a time

It's a bittersweet day today. My friend Jim at Snooze Buttons Dreams, the best blog written by a father of 3 boys in Georgia in the world*, looks like he will keep his job thanks to a takeover by some capitalist pigs at an all-powerful multinational. Next time you see one of those anti-globalisation protesters in their Nikes and Levis saying the WTO is the source of all evil, you can remind them that at least one multinational once save a great guy's job.

So why bittersweet? Because anyone that write stories as good as this are wasting their God given talent slaving away for the man.

Oh, and if you're not reading Snooze Button Dreams every day, your life is not complete.

* it's also the source of Snooze Points, obscure trivia questions, great stories, interesting insights common-sense political observations, creator of the BestofMe Symphony and all that is good in the world. Really. Plus he has excellent taste.

posted by Simon on 08.11.04 at 11:45 AM in the


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Do I really have excellent taste or is it just that I taste excellent?

posted by: Jim on 08.11.04 at 06:45 PM [permalink]

Oh, and they're not quite all powerful. We did run out of Guinness at the after party.

posted by: Jim on 08.11.04 at 08:38 PM [permalink]

And it's official. My job is off of the chopping block. Yay!

posted by: Jim on 08.12.04 at 01:30 AM [permalink]

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