August 04, 2004


Welcome Vodkapundit readers. Please take your time and have a look around. Most of your questions are likely answered here and there are many great entries on the front page and in the archives. If you have a blog yourself please help spread the word with a link and even adding it to your blogroll. And if you know of a new blog that should be displayed here, let me know.

It leads me to an interesting observation. This has been going for a little over a month and has been generously supported by many of the bigger bloggers, such as Michelle Maklin, Misha, Dean Esmay, Glenn, NZ Bear, Jeff, Matt, American Digest, ,Sgt Hook, Badilocks, Silent Running, Kevin and many others. I am deeply appreciative of their help. However it seems that the support has mostly come from what could be dubbed "conservative" bloggers; my attempts to get interest from those on the "liberal" side of the political fence, in order to give more balance to the entries here, has been met with either indifference or frankly rudeness (with the significant exception of Tim Dunlop). I know I shouldn't read much into that, but that's how it stands at the moment. I would dealy love for some of the "liberal" bloggers to promote this site so as to get a better balance of entries. Help me to help you.

This is NOT a partisan site, nor is it meant to be solely about politics (try this as an example). It is purely a showcase, a display of new bloggers. I would be greatful for any extra publicity any bloggers could give to this site (from either side of the political fence) and some of the entries here too. I have been impressed by some of the quality and have found some great new blogs to follow. I hope you do too.

And make sure you keep coming back to the Showcase!

Posted by Simon at August 4, 2004 04:12 PM | TrackBack
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