July 09, 2004

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The SCMP reports:

Shanghai's loan sharks have upped the ante in the repayment game, demanding their customers sell off body parts to raise money. The city is now prosecuting a moneylender who tried to force a man to sell a kidney to pay off a gambling debt, a local newspaper and a court official said yesterday.

Gambler Lu Rongfeng was held hostage for more than 10 days by two men after he was unable to pay back a 10,000-yuan loan, which carried interest of 500 yuan per day. "This was the beginning of his nightmare," the Shanghai Daily quoted a prosecutor as saying. A court official confirmed that the case, which opened on Wednesday, was under way but declined to comment further.

Li Shenghe and an accomplice who is still at large allegedly took Mr Lu to a local hospital late last year to collect the debt. Doctors refused to perform the operation and Mr Lu managed to escape. Earlier this year, Shanghai media reported about alleged illegal organ sales, based on advertisements in local hospitals looking for people to sell their organs.

I wonder if the HK Tax Department take me up on my offer of my kidney for my tax bill. Otherwise the HK Jockey Club might need to extend their hiring to Shanghai. Soccer betting in 11 months turned over HK$16 billion, with a net profit of HK$3.3 billion. Thanks to those Greeks the HK Government gets a nice windfall. No mention of how many body organs they collected.

Even if they were collecting organs their may not be anyone left to take them: Strike 2.

posted by Simon on 07.09.04 at 09:48 AM in the


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