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June 08, 2004
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Asia by blog
By popular demand (precisely one person, but I'll take) Asia by blog is back to give you a taste of what's what in Asia recently. Firstly Hemlock finds himself waiting alone outside the HK General Post Office waiting to indulge his philately. Conrad questions Europe's rush to sell arms to China, sees that headlines are in the eye of the beholder and says what you see is not what you get in China. E@L agrees on that last one. DTL has reactions to Anson Chan's Time article. He also has an interesting two part post about American William Hinton's thoughts on Tiananmen Square. The 15th anniversary of the murder of protesters and students in Beijing's Tiananmen Square saw many bloggers commenting and remembering. ESWN has photos of the HK commemoration and fisks a NYT report of the event to boot. Glutter also covers the HK event and has more here (warning: graphic photo) . Shanghai Eye's thoughts are here. The officially returned Adam goes over some of the facts and myths and more here. Via I Got Up comes this article, also looking at the facts and myths. In the silver lining department Adam also notes that Salon did an article on China blogs. The always comprehensive Richard covers an article by Wang Dan in the WSJ and has one of the most famous images of the 20th Century. China Letter sees a big difference between students then and now and wonders if the West has read too much into those events although Durian disagrees. Phil Sen correctly points out that Tiananmen was not unique. FY thinks the similarities between Tiananmen and the Gwangju Massacres should lead to Chinese-Korean student solidarity. The Sassy Lawyer responds to an article on Philippine "democrazy" and before reviewing John Woo's Paycheck she reveals Philippine TV's worst secret - it doesn't work in typhoons. Andres has a good piece his experiences as an expat in China. Adam learns the God, China and TV don't mix. Note to self: don't bother with a mobile phone in North Korea. ALN reprints an article on modern slavery in Asia. Stephen almost has some photos of "Chinese" working conditions and compares them to a factory in Australia. Oranckay sees a small Pacific island standing up to South Korea. Jeff has a big, mostly Korean, blog round-up. Marmot has an entry in the most bizarre restaurant gimmick category. Finally Paul has proof of Chinese irony. Like Che before him, Mao's picture is becoming a "cool" brand or icon rather than the face of evil he actually was. That's irony for you. posted by Simon on 06.08.04 at 02:54 PM in the Asia by blog category.![]() ![]()
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Lot's a' hard work equals a great job on this post. posted by: Michael on 06.08.04 at 07:57 PM [permalink]I think I am blind by the amount of hypertext on this one. The trackbacks pinging around the blogworld for this must be able to be heard in space. posted by: Helen on 06.08.04 at 10:42 PM [permalink]![]() |