September 22, 2003

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Big weekend. Friday night about

Big weekend. Friday night about with friends in town for the jewellery fair. Went to Spices down at Repulse Bay. We have never had a bad meal there and Friday was no exception. Saturday headed down to AMC with the Rosmarins and saw the Hendels too. All the kids had fun swimming before we headed for some lunch at the poolside cafe. As usual our angels were extremely well behaved, and PB was the last to finish (again). She also walks everywhere now, so she's only getting hungrier. Also finally found a fellow footy fanatic, so we've got an invitation to watch the Grand Final (Rosh Hashannah not withstanding) and an open offer for a kick with the Sherrin. We got back home about 2pm, the girls had their nap, Mrs M baked and I relaxed. Mrs M and JC had a party at a fellow Disneyland inmate's place so I took PB and Misti down to the playground. PB sat in the swing for 55 minutes and loved every minute of it. She's easy to entertain. Stayed home Saturday night but once I couldn't resist looking at the score and entered depression.

It's funny but my heart has been broken five times in my life. Twice by love, once by the Balmain Tigers in 1989, and by the Swans in 1996 (although the previous week's game was the best I have ever been to) and for some reason this year. The club has not won a premiership since the 1930s - I think any time they get close we dare to hope this might be the one.

Sunday was much quieter. Both girls woke up with colds and it was raining so most of the day was videos, indoor playgrounds and more videos. A few trips to the supermarket (also within the environs of Disneyland) thrown in, and the girls were in bad by 7pm. We watched SWAT on DVD - it's not bad with the usual quota of explosions and violence.

Hopefully tonight will be my first experience of Playstation on Dean's plasma TV. I think this might just be able to cure my post-footy blues.

posted by Simon on 09.22.03 at 10:13 AM in the


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