October 07, 2003

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Being CF's first day back

Being CF's first day back from 3 weeks of junket work trip and holiday we needed to injest some quality HK noodles. And rice. So we wandered through the hordes of Central to our particular hole in the wall noddle shop. This is quite unusual for us; a typical day we order lunch in and some poor person (HK is egalitarian in this regard, it could be male or female) has to schlepp our six boxes of whatever through the pollution and humidity to our air conditioned eyrie. But today we were running late (that being 12:20pm) so ordering was out the question. Now co-incidently enough the noodle place is next door to one of our favourite electronics stores. And there was a 5 minute wait for the noodles. So I bought a VCR and DVD player. Also had my eye on a plasma TV, but the new LCD TVs look like they'll be the go in a year or two so I might have to curb my toy envy for a little while. HK is a boy's dream when it comes to electronic toys. Even the Chinese brands are quickly improving, and at a significantly lower price to the "recognised" brands.

So a typical HK lunch. Some noodles, a VCR and a DVD player. Yum.

posted by Simon on 10.07.03 at 03:02 PM in the


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